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Lacrosse Pockets...

There are three basic types of lacrosse pockets. The type of pocket in the lacrosse stick depends on where it sits along the lacrosse head. The three types are known as a high, mid, and low pocket. The videos below demonstrate possible patterns for each type of pocket.

Low Pocket

A low pocket sits much lower in a lacrosse head than any other type of pocket. This type is normally used by attackman for one-handed cradling. There are many different patterns to string a low pocket. In this video is a common pattern to use.

Mid Pocket

A mid pocket sits in the middle of a lacrosse head. It is usually used by middies or defensman. There are many different patterns to string a mid pocket. In this video is a common pattern to use.

High Pocket

A high pocket is used by all positions. It works well for defenders as it helps them get the ball out of their sticks quickly. There are many different patterns to string a high pocket. In this video is a common pattern to use.

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